The Power of Hibiscus Tea!

June 03, 2021

The Power of Hibiscus Tea!


Growing up in Costa Rica, I would dress up for folklore during national holidays and celebrations. As part of the costume, hibiscus was worn on top of your ear. Naturally, I developed a deep connection with the symbolization of the flower and its bright colors and beautiful hues. I want to share with you some of hibiscus’ powerful benefits, and how you can create your own hibiscus tea!

Native to warm temperate, subtropical and tropical regions throughout the world, hibiscus is packed with antioxidants that may help reduce the risk of chronic illnesses. The superpower plant has been found to help with lowering blood pressure, blood sugar, and even stimulate fat breakdown! Its antibacterial properties aid with balancing your body’s environment, keeping it in check from the inside out. Ladies! Hibiscus also helps relieve menstrual cramps. I love how cooling and refreshing hibiscus is - it is definitely my go to for the upcoming summer season to stay hydrated! Check out below to learn how to make Hibiscus Tea!


  • 8 cups  filtered water 
  • ½ cup dried hibiscus petals*
  • Optional: stevia or other sweetener 
  • Optional: lemon or lime 

 *you can find hibiscus petals at your local grocery store, a tea shop or on Amazon 


  1. Pour dried hibiscus petals into water pitcher.
  2. Let steep until the water turns a rich & deep pink either by placing in your window for a day or by using hot water.
  3. Enjoy!
Meleesa Ferris
Meleesa Ferris

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