The Perfect Skincare Routine for Fall

September 14, 2023

picture of girl in fall colored leaves smiling

Your body is like a mirror of Mother Nature - it cycles just as the Earth cycles with seasons of energy, rest, and rebirth. As the seasons slowly transition, our skincare needs begin to change with them. Long summer days filled with bright sunshine and humid weather begin to grow shorter, quieter, and more restful as we move closer to the winter season.

During autumn, however, there are still plenty of days filled with sunshine and fun activities like farmers' markets, pumpkin patches, and gatherings with friends and loved ones. This is one of the best times of year to enjoy spending time with your community, especially outdoors, celebrating the harvest season and the abundance of our Earth and the many gifts she gives us.

Fall is a time of change; the trees shed their leaves, and the animals build nests and gather food for the winter season. Take a lesson from nature and allow yourself to transition from the lively, energetic summer months. Spend time listening to your body and evaluating its needs as they shift with the seasonal cycles.

You might discover that you're craving more hearty vegetables and warm soups instead of your fruit-filled summer smoothies or that exercises like gentle yoga flows and dancing feel better than extended runs or strenuous hikes. 

You might find that your skin is changing, too. Where only a few weeks ago you struggled with excess oil production from the humidity of summer, as autumn begins, it may be that your skin is growing dry and flaky and requires a little extra TLC.

If you sense that you need to switch up your skincare regimen, autumn is the perfect time to do so. Begin to give your skin some extra attention now so that you remain glowy and healthy as winter grows near. 

Picture of skin cream over fall themes background with colorful leaves

Plus, cozy autumn nights are the perfect time to kick back, relax, and enjoy a luxurious botanical fall skincare routine as you sip on a warm cup of tea - and with the spooky season on the horizon and enchantment in the air, it's worth adding a little extra magic to your daily skincare practice with all-natural botanical products and herbal plant magic.

Skincare for fall

If you suffer from dry skin in fall, you're not alone. Dry skin in the fall is incredibly common because your skin is used to all of the summer humidity in the air. This often means that the products you gravitated to in the summer are no longer adequate for keeping your skin's barrier healthy.

Those gel cleansers that you used to remove dirt and oil after a day outside might now cause your skin to feel tight and dried out, and those lightweight moisturizers that you barely felt the need to apply simply aren't nourishing enough to help replenish your skin as the weather grows cooler. Luckily, cultivating the perfect autumn skincare routine can be a fun and relaxing form of self-care as the seasons change. 

Remember that your skin is your body's largest organ and plays an essential role in overall health, so you must take care of it during every season. It acts as a filter to help keep unwanted things out of your body year-round.

Switch up your lightweight summer moisturizer for something nice and thick to replenish your skin overnight and keep that barrier strong and effective as the weather changes.

In addition to changing up your self-care routine, make sure that you are still taking time each day to get a little sunlight and spend time doing activities that bring you joy like dancing, yoga, and walks outside taking in the beauty of nature. Stress can negatively impact the skin, so making sure to engage in joyful activities throughout the year will help your skin look and feel its best. 

Meleesa Luna sitting in nature surrounded by trees and dandelions

Fall skincare essentials from LaB.OTANICA

Skincare Routine For Fall Beauty Ritual

Our favorite fall skincare tips

These 5 tips are our very favorite skin secrets for beautiful, glowing, nourished skin this autumn

  1. Use a gentle oil-based cleanser instead of harsh soaps. Try our Revelation Bi-Phase Rose Cleansing Oil!
  2. Don’t forget to energetically cleanse your face.
  3. Choose a moisturizing toner like Clear-Voyant Facial Toning Mist
  4. Exfoliate dead skin naturally using a DIY Honey & Almond scrub
  5. Swap to a more hydrating moisturizer on your whole body like our Ceremonial Luxury Body Oil.

The best autumn skincare routine 

Step 0: One thing everyone is missing 

Before you begin to cleanse your skin with Lab.OTANICA products, we invite you to cleanse the energy of your face using energy-infused hands. Incorporating this practive can help to relieve stress, tension, and negatively from your aura. After you perform this simple cleansing ritual, your energetic will be elevated and ready Lab.OTANICA herbal products to work their magic. 

Step One: Cleanse 

The start to any great fall skincare routine is washing your face, but in this case, you should choose to forgo any harsh, chemical, or drying facial soaps that can leave your skin stripped of its essential moisture. Instead, opt for something gentle and nourishing like our Revelation Bi-Phase Rose Cleansing Oil. 

Made with rose oil and floral water, it will cleanse your skin from dirt, pollution, and other impurities without stripping your skin or causing it to dry out. The smell of roses delights your senses, while sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, and calendula flowers help to boost collagen production and calm, hydrate, cleanse, and even heal the skin. 

To give this skincare a magical and energetic boost that even the witchiest of autumn girls will appreciate, this luxurious oil is energetically charged with Amethyst crystals, which are believed to help with cellular renewal and collagen production. 

Step Two: If you choose to exfoliate, make sure it's gentle! 

When you start to notice dry skin in the fall, you might be very tempted to scrub your dead skin until it all falls off, but this can actually be counterproductive and cause even more harm and damage to your delicate skin. 

DIY facial scrub with honey and almond meal on spoon

Be gentle during your exfoliation process if you choose to perform this step during your fall skincare routine - this time of year, a nice cotton washcloth should do the trick just fine, but for added benefits try a DIY Honey and Almond face scrub.  Mix 1 tablespoons of Honey  with ½ tablespoons of Almond Meal until it forms a paste. Apply the mixture to your skin and allow it to sit for 5-10 minutes before removing it with warm water and gentle circular motions to remove dead skin cells and reveal brighter skin.

Step Three: Tone using a hydrating formula 

Toning is a crucial step throughout every season, but during the fall, it's especially important to choose a toner that will increase your skin's moisture instead of stripping it away. This will help keep your skin glowing and healthy all season long while still helping to combat blemishes. Our Clear-Voyant Facial Toning Mist is the perfect option for all skin types. 

With nourishing and soothing botanical ingredients like lavender, rose, and calendula, this toner will hydrate, soothe, and tone your skin to the ultimate glow. As an added bonus, it can be used as a make-up setting spray. 

Step Four: Give your face a little extra moisture - and don't forget the rest of your body! 

Moisturizing is going to be more important than ever during the autumn months as many people begin to experience dry skin in the fall. Swap out your lightweight summer products for a luxurious and thick cream moisturizer or nourishing facial oil. You might even want to double moisturize and use both depending on your level of dry fall skin.

 Lab.otanica offers two incredible moisturizers for the face - our iconic Alchemic Brightening Facial Oil and our creamy B-Magic Skin Regeneration Cream. If you plan to layer these products, start with the facial cream and then add the oil afterward to really lock in all of that wonderful moisture. Each product can also be used on their own. 

Bonus: Don't forget the rest of your body, mind, and spirit! 

Your face isn't the only thing that drys out as the weather changes, so give the rest of your body some love, too with our cult-favorite Ceremonial Luxury Body Oil. This rich and nourishing oil has an intoxicating scent and is insanely moisturizing. It helps to improve skin tone and fitness and is known to enhance collagen production. It's made with the best oils like avocado, babasu, and marula to help retain your glow all year long. 

In addition to taking care of your skin, it’s important to take care of your spirit. During the autumn months, we invite you to spend time soaking up some of the golden autumn sunlight, spend time in nature, and connect with your community throughout the season. 

Beautiful souls, we hope that your autumn is abundant and full of love, health, and self-care! Pura Vida! 

 Created in Synergy with Amanda Morgan & Meleesa Luna

Meleesa Ferris
Meleesa Ferris

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