Chamomile Plant Magic

July 19, 2023

Field of Chamomile Flowers

Chamomile, or manzanilla as it's known in Spanish, has long been recognized for its many medicinal and magical properties.


If you’ve ever slowly sipped a soothing chamomile tea after a particularly stressful day, you’ve likely already begun to connect spiritually with this sweet and friendly magical plant ally. Chamomile feels like a gentle hug from a beloved friend - its flowers resemble tiny daisies. Its scent is simply divine; it is slightly herbal and earthy with a refreshing sweetness and hints of apple. The flavor of chamomile is like golden summer sunshine with a sweet honey-like essence and a smoothness that feels endlessly comforting.

There are two main types of chamomile; Roman chamomile, or Chamaemilum nobile, a low-growing perennial, and German chamomile, or Matricaria recutita, an annual and grows taller. Chamomile is native to eastern and southern Europe and parts of Asia but now grows abundantly worldwide.

The scent and flavor are reason enough to love this gentle herb. Still, the many medicinal, magical, and beautifying properties have solidified its place as a staple in the homes of herbalists, witches, and skincare enthusiasts worldwide. 

Traditional uses for chamomile

It has been referenced in ancient Greek and Roman texts for its calming properties and skincare benefits and was used to treat redness and dryness of the skin. In Slovakia, people even bowed to chamomile plants whenever they were found in the wild. Unani medicine in India uses chamomile for everything from headaches to hysteria.

It was first brought to the Americas by early German settlers and was used extensively by early American physicians for a variety of conditions.

Indigenous Americans used a wild form of the herb called pineapple weed as a preservative which they mixed with meat and berries, and also as a cure for stomach problems. They considered chamomile a female plant, and it was often applied to hot rocks within the sweat lodges to invite in good spirits. 

Traditional Image of Chamomile Herb

Chamomile medicinal properties

Chamomile has countless medicinal uses, and is gentle enough to use daily if needed. Most famously, chamomile is a Nervine. Nervines are herbs that benefit the central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord. It works wonderfully to help soothe a nervous disposition and relieve stress and anxiety. It can act as a very mild sedative and assist in achieving deep and restful sleep, especially for those who struggle with anxiety-related insomnia.

It can also help to treat pain and has been used topically to treat toothaches and earaches. Those who suffer from tension headaches can find a sense of relief by sipping on a cup of chamomile tea, as well.

Victorian Style Image with Chamomile Tea

Chamomile helps to soothe stomach problems like indigestion and heartburn and can help if you’re feeling nauseous, also. It’s one of our favorite herbal tonics for over-indulgence, too. If you’ve had a little bit too much fun over the weekend - a cup of chamomile iced tea with a squeeze of lemon does triple duty. It can help ease the symptoms of a hangover, like headaches and nausea while calming the dreaded “hangxiety” and hydrating the body all at once.

Plant Magic Properties of Chamomile

Magically, chamomile is associated with the sun, and it is the perfect magical ingredient for solar workings and for summertime spellwork. It has a gentle, positive, and protective energy and can help with balancing the Chakras - especially the solar plexus and the throat chakra.

Chamomile is an herb that encourages calm confidence, and it can be used to quiet the mind for meditation and manifestation practices. Chamomile is highly protective and can be used to block negative energies. It’s a great addition to a protective amulet.

Chamomile is often considered lucky and can be used in spellwork to help attract money and abundance, as well as luck in general. If you need a little extra boost getting that dream job or calling in a little extra cash - chamomile could be a great ally.

Chamomile magical properties:

  • Protection
  • Purification
  • Luck
  • Abundance 

Skincare Benefits

Chamomile is amazing for the skin when used topically. It's known to help fight infections and reduce acne breakouts. Chamomile makes an excellent ingredient in high-quality herbal skincare products, which is one of the many reasons why we love using it in our products at LAB.otanica.

It can help to treat skin abrasions, inflammation of the skin, acne, and even eczema. In order to harness the skin-clearing benefits of chamomile, you can try two of our cult-favorite products, which use this divine herbal ally as a main ingredient.

Woman with Chamomile Flower Crown

Our Clearity Micellar Cleansing Floral Wateris the perfect way to remove makeup after a long day and soothe and hydrate the skin while reducing inflammation. Chamomile flowers are one of the key ingredients that offer skin-calming properties in this gentle hydrating cleanser, along with Ylang Ylang.

For puffy morning eyes, look no further than our Visionary De-Puffing Eye Elixir. Simply roll the luxurious elixir under your eyes to help alleviate the signs of fatigue, brighten the skin, and reduce the puffy, inflamed skin. Chamomile is blended with sea buckthorn oil, avocado oil, and argan oil to create the ultimate solution for dull, tired eyes while boosting skin elasticity. It can also be used as a brow and eyelash conditioner!

Three ways to harness the plant magic of chamomile

Brew a soothing cup of chamomile tea.

As we discussed, chamomile is one of the safest sedatives out there. Indulging in a warm and comforting cup of chamomile tea before bed can help you release the stress and anxiety from your day and ease you gently into a state of peace and restfulness before bed.

You can easily purchase pure chamomile tea at most grocery stores - just check the ingredients to ensure that there are no extra additives, flavors, or sweeteners. Believe us when we say that you won’t need the extras! Chamomile tastes delightful all on its own - but if you’re really craving a sweet treat, you can add a drizzle of honey. Anything else takes away from the naturally delicious flavor.

For a little bit of added magic, you might consider foregoing the pre-made tea bags and brewing a loose-leaf cup of tea. You can purchase dried chamomile flowers online or in health food stores, or you can grow, harvest, and dry chamomile from your garden. To brew the perfect cup of chamomile tea,

Add chamomile flowers to an herbal bath ritual.

If you’ve never taken a ritual cleansing bath before- let this be your official invitation. Ritual bathing can help to cleanse your body and clear any negative energy that might be lingering with you, and with the addition of herbs and flowers, they help bring the power of plant magic into your life.

Fragrant and powerful chamomile blossoms make the perfect addition to a ritual bath year-round. In the summer, you can use fresh blooms, and in the winter, you can add some dried flowers and herbs to your bath. The smell will relax you, while the blossoms themselves will help improve your skin.

Incorporate chamomile into your skincare routine to help reduce inflammation.

Let chamomile help fight acne and inflammation so that you can reveal the skin of your dreams! Try creating a soothing spa facial experience by washing your face with our chamomile-infused Clearity Micellar Cleansing Floral Water.

Afterwards, boil some water and pour it over chamomile blossoms in a large bowl. Place your face over the bowl and add a towel over your head and allow the steam to cleanse your skin as the chamomile ignites your senses. 

Finish up your facial with a gentle eye massage to ease tension using our De-Puffing Eye Elixir,and then apply our luxuriousAlchemic Brightening Facial oil. 

We hope that the essence of soothing chamomile calms your body, mind, and heart! Pura Vida!

Created in Synergy with Amanda Morgan & Meleesa Luna

Meleesa Ferris
Meleesa Ferris

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