4 Rituals for Summer Solstice Using Plant Magic

June 16, 2023

4 Rituals for Summer Solstice Using Plant Magic

If you’ve been seeking a fresh start, there is no better time than Summer Solstice. Also known as Midsummer or Litha in certain nature-based spiritual practices, the solstice falls on or around June 21st.

It’s the longest day of the year, with nearly 15 hours of daylight throughout most of the United States, and marks the first official day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. 

Summer Solstice has been celebrated as an astrological and spiritual event around the world. It is a time to celebrate the magic of light - both the light within us and the powerful life-giving light of the sun. 


Traditionally, Midsummer was celebrated by cultures around the worldwith lively bonfires, all-night dancing, and plenty of honor and reverence for our very own shining star - the Sun.

Celebrating the solstices and equinoxes with intentional rituals - however large or small, can be a powerful way to connect with nature and honor the cycles and changes of the seasons - which are often reflected in our bodies and lives. 

Take the opportunity to gather together with friends or loved ones, or simply spend some time in quiet reflection while soaking up rays of sunshine.

If you’re a modern mystic looking to connect with the energy of Summer Solstice, we’ve created this guide to creating some simple at-home rituals to help you celebrate the magic of the season. 


A Self-Care Ritual For Love and Beauty 

Summer Solstice is the perfect time to indulge yourself in a nourishing and beautifying self-care routine. As we emerge from the harsh winter months, our bodies are ready for a refresh and a new summer skincare routine. 

You may be recovering from the effects of dry winter air which can leave your skin feeling uncomfortable and flaky and your hair looking dull, dry, and brittle. Honor your body by creating a ceremony of beauty with some of our summer skincare essentials. 

You can make your beauty ritual as simple or as intricate as you, please. Perhaps your life is busy and you only have time for a quick at-home-facial to nourish your dry skin, or perhaps you’d like to opt for something more in-depth and magically charged like a full beauty spell or ceremony. 

Summer Beauty

One lovely ritual is to honor your body and practice self-love through a ritual cleansing bath. You can include herbs and flowers from your very own garden as well as LAB.OTANICA’s Botanical Bath Tea and soak for as long as your heart desires. Light your Trust the Journey Intention Candle, and spend a few moments meditating on your new goals and intentions for the coming season. 

Afterward - if privacy allows - allow yourself to air dry outdoors in the light of the sun. You can use our Ceremonial Luxury Body Oil to add nourishing moisture to places that need it most, like your feet, knees, and elbows. 

Summer energy

As a magical bonus, you can use the oil to draw sacred symbols and sigils onto your skin - you might draw images like hearts if you’d like to call in love, or the symbols for the goddess Aphrodite if you hope to call in joy and beauty. Allow the sun to dry the symbols onto your skin, and know that you are wearing your magical intentions with you throughout the summer season. 


Perform a Summer Solstice Cleansing Ritual 

If you’ve yet to get around to spring cleaning, Summer Solstice is the perfect time. You don’t have to go crazy but spend a few hours refreshing your space. Clean out your refrigerator to make room for more fresh summer produce, and put away your cold-weather winter clothes in storage to make room in your closet for pretty summer sundresses and flowing fabrics that will keep you feeling cool and beautiful throughout the warmer months. 

Wipe down your counters with all-nature cleaners, and then cleanse your home using the method that speaks to your soul - smoke cleansing with herbs, sound ceremonies, and crystals all help to remove negative energy that may have become stuck in your home. 

Once you’ve completed your cleansing ritual, you can light youTrust the Journey Intention Candle while manifesting-love, light, and peace entering your living space this summer. 


Host a Solstice Bonfire 

solstice fire

One of the best (and most traditional) ways to celebrate Summer Solstice is by hosting a Midsummer bonfire gathering for your friends and loved ones. Ask everyone to bring a tasty summer treat, and enjoy a pot-luck-style meal before lighting the fire. Bring instruments, or simply put on a great playlist, and enjoy the extra daylight hours. 

You can open your ritual by gathering in a circle around the fire and asking each attendee to list something that they are grateful for, and setting an intention for the season ahead.

Abundance, love, beauty, joy, and play are all excellent things to call in and manifest during the Summer Solstice. You can harness the power of plant magic by offering various herbs and flowers to the fire as you celebrate.

Consider using herbs like chamomile, rosemary, and cinnamon to call in abundance. Lavender and rose petals make excellent plant allies when it comes to 

Once you’ve performed your ritual, spend the rest of the evening dancing around the fire, laughing, and connecting with your friends and with nature. 


Gather Herbs and Flowers to Decorate Your Alter or Home 


If you’re a spiritual person, you might already have a designated altar in your home. An altar is an excellent space to place magical items like crystals, flowers, herbs, candles, and other magical tools that you use frequently as part of your spiritual practice.

You can spend time each day meditating at your altar and performing any manifestation work like journaling or performing spells. 

If you don’t already have an altar, Summer Solstice is the perfect time to create one. Simply find a place in your home that is calming and isn’t often disturbed by children, partners, or pets. This can be a small shelf, a table, a desk, or even a windowsill. 

For summer solstice, we love decorating our special spiritual spaces with items from nature that represent summer. Wildflowers, herbs, and special plants from your garden are all wonderful additions to the altar.

For love, we recommend gathering a few fresh roses. For an increased sense of calm consider adding lavender to your altar. For powerful dreams and intuition, add some Mugwort - which you can forage from the wild in many parts of the country. 

Candles, crystals, spell bottles, feathers, Oracle cards, and small pieces of art that make you feel magical are also excellent additions to your altar.

If you’re looking for a beautiful spell bottle empowered with love, intention, and plant magic - LAB.OTANICA offers three enchanting options for love, abundance, and protection.

Anything that inspires you, or makes you feel your most magical can be included. This is your special space, so make it personal! 


Here at LAB.OTANICA we believe in the magic of nature. This Summer Solstice we invite you to soak up the sun, and nourish your body, mind, and spirit with plant magic. May the light of the sun brighten your emotions and your life! Pura Vida! 


Created in Synergy with Amanda Morgan & Meleesa Luna

Meleesa Ferris
Meleesa Ferris

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